Wednesday, December 28, 2022

 Winlink Wednesdays of Idaho 2024 Guidance

 Don Gardner W7PJ


Winlink Wednesdays of Idaho is a weekly amateur radio digital net where check‐ins are accomplished by using the Winlink email system.


The primary purpose of Winlink Wednesdays of Idaho is to encourage the regular use of the Winlink system among amateur radio operators by providing an opportunity to expand their skills with Winlink, and to practice them on a regular basis. Additionally, this will keep users sharp so that, if and when a served agency calls on us, we can perform confidently and professionally.

Regular practice in the use of Winlink is encouraged, in all of its various modes that are currently available to the user, as well as any modes that may be developed by the Winlink Development Team, or acquired by the amateur radio operator in the future.


Because the State of Idaho has two time zones, check‐ins should be submitted anytime Wednesday between 00:00 and 23:59 Mountain or Pacific time (not UTC). If you are participating from outside of Idaho, please use your current local time for checking in.

The use of Winlink Express client software is preferred, but alternative software packages are available, possibly with limited features. Messages may be sent by accessing any RMS station (Winlink gateway) that the participant can reach. This is referred to as “RMS Check‐ins.” Internet connection such as “Telnet Winlink” is allowed but we encourage all to move to radio methods as soon as you are able.

This net is open to ALL licensed Amateur Radio Operators regardless of location.


Every Wednesday you are asked to check in and provide a weather report to net control. Often we will change the assignment to a different task such as sending a picture, a different type of form, or answering a question.


You will be informed of the new assignment no later than the week before the next net. Notification will be provided in the body of the current net control response to your check-in and via social media. If you are unaware of the current week’s assignment the default check-in method is a weather report.


The message format for a Winlink Wednesday Check‐in is as follows



Cc: Use your everyday email address. Net control will respond to all emails listed, this way you may see the net response sooner.


Standard check‐in example:

The best way to send a weather report is to use the current local weather conditions form. It is found on the message window under the Select Template tab.



When you open the weather form it will automatically populate your call sign, the Lat & Long, and grid square provided that the information is in your Winlink program. If this does not automatically populate you may manually put this information in. Next be sure to click the Imperial button so that information is given in °F, inches, and MPH. 

Remember to put in the observer’s name, and put in your city, state, and county. Feel free to add any notes that may further explain your weather condition. 

It is recommended that you learn this form so that you may collect the weather information it is seeking.

 When complete click “Submit” and follow the instructions.


Instructions on how to submit a weather report if you are unable to use the form


Cc: Use your everyday email address. Net control will respond to all emails listed, this way you may see the net response sooner.

Subject: Winlink Wednesday Net Check‐In

Message body: call sign, first name, city or town, county, state (HF  VHF  Telnet, etc.) and your current weather with your Grid Square location.


Standard check‐in message body example: 

W7PJ, Don, Orofino, Clearwater, Idaho

 (HF) Cloudy, 37°F, no wind, DN16VM

The format of the message body is important because it is used to help generate the monthly net report.

Weekly Reminders

First a brief message is distributed via Winlink to the current week net participants when net control acknowledges their check‐ins. This will occur on Wednesday and Thursday depending on the time the check‐in is received.

In these messages will be the weekly reminder of the next weeks Winlink assignment.

Also we have a new Facebook group page where you can see the assignments and participate in discussions.

Net Results

A monthly net report will be created. That document will include notes and observations about the Winlink net. Once generated the report will be posted on this website.

If you would like to receive this monthly report of the Winlink net via email, please provide net control with your email address. This report will be too big to send via Winlink.

Winlink Wednesdays Century Club

A Winlink Wednesdays Century Club certificate is issued to each station that accumulates 100 weeks of participation in Winlink Wednesdays of Idaho.