Thursday, March 28, 2024

For the month of April 2024  

We are going to work on building an Amateur Radio Field Operations Guide (FOG) for Idaho and everyone around the world is welcome to join in. 

I know we have collected some of this information in the past But now we are focused on accuracy and solid information. The more Hams that participates the more we can confirm the data. A FOG has more than frequencies so be prepared to do some research. 

Forms to be used will be under the Standard Templates dropdown

April 3    

Fill out the ICS 217A form. Found in the ICS USA forms. NOTE in the Channel Configuration line put down if it is a Simplex or a Repeater channel. If a repeater under the Remarks line put down the GPS Latitude and Longitude in Decimal degrees of the repeater site. 

April 10    

Use an ICS 213 form. Found in the ICS USA forms. With this form list the nearest medical Clinic and or Hospital address and 24 hour phone line if available. 

April 17

 Use an ICS 213 form. Found in the ICS USA forms. With this form list your county and or city Emergency Operation Center EOC with the address, phone number and who is the Emergency Manager. 

April 24  

Use the Customizable Form -  Information Form -found under General forms. List all Nets in your area. Under the first column put the NET Date and TIMES and include the time zone it is in.  In the second column put the FREQUENCY and TONE of the net and in the third column put ADITIONAL INFORMATION like the location of the net and beneficial information.  This can include any GMRS nets in your area too. 

Remember if you put your daily email on the Cc line you will receive a copy of your Checkin status faster.

Thanks for being a part of the Idaho Winlink Wednesday Net and Remember to invite other Ham's. All Ham's from around the world are invited to join in. 


Net control