Thursday, June 27, 2024

For the Month of July 2024


I want to send out a Congratulations to Frank Hutchison AG7QP for reaching the Idaho Winlink Wednesday Net Century Club by checking in 100 times. We now have nine who have reached this level. We have others who will soon be able to join this club. Keep checking in and you too can reach 100.

Time for a little fun with July’s Winlink net like we did last year. The next week’s questions will be sent out with your Winlink confirmation email. Here is what each week will be like.

Winlink net Week 1 - July 3rd: USA trivia questions. Done answer are below

Winlink net Week 2 - July 10th: Idaho trivia questions. Done answer are below

Winlink net Week 3 -  July 17th: Ham radio trivia questions. Done answer are below

Winlink net Week 4 - July 24th: Radio Go-Bag questions Done answer are below

Winlink net Week 5 - July 31st:  Surprise questions Current

 Surprise questions 

1. Do you take any Amateur Radio equipment with you when you go on vacation? And if yes what?

2. Do you still have your first amateur radio transceiver?

3. Have you ever heard a distress call on the Amateur Radio bands? If so, how did you handle it?

4. As an Amateur Radio Operator what can you do or have done during a severe weather event?

5. Are Amateur Radio Operators the original modern technology hackers?

Radio Go-Bag answers

1. Beside radio equipment what is the most important personal item to bring for long deployments 

Any personal medications you may need. 

2. With the gear in your grab and go kit, what non-radio items should you bring

First aid kit, flashlight, non-perishable food. And?????.There is so many items you may choose to bring.

3. If you have a grab and go Radio kit or plan to build one, What special item do you think everyone should bring. 

No answer given. This is a way to share an idea

4. Can you self deploy to an event with your radio grab and go kit? Yes, or No and why

No. You should never self deploy to an event. Hams who have done so in the past have help create the negative reputation that we need to heal with the First Responders and Emergency Operation Centers. 

Now if it?s a life or death situation and your one of the first to respond the maybe. Don?t use this idea to justify that you can always self deploy..

Ham radio trivia Answers

1 Operating your radio barefoot means

Operating without an amplifier. Generally barefoot operating means using 10 watts up to 100 watts

2. What is “Yagi" short for

Yagi" is the shortened name for a "Yagi-Uda Antenna". In 1926, Shintaro Uda at Tohoku University located in Sendai Japan - with the collaboration of Hidetsugu Yagi developed the antenna. Mr. Yagi published the first English-language article about it in 1928 so his name got associated with it, though he was always quick to credit Mr. Uda

3 This late actor held the call sign KE6PZH and once used his Oscar as a doorstop. Who is it

Marlon Brando

4. Her call-sign was K5PSG, her name Peggy Sue, and her then boyfriend sang a song about her. Who was this famous early rock and roller

Singer Buddy Holly sang a classic 50s song Peggy Sue about his Texan girlfriend, which peaked at number 3 on the Billboard singles chart.

Idaho trivia Answers

1 What was Idaho before it was a state on July 3, 1890?

Idaho was a separate Idaho Territory and was not organized until 1863, instead it was being included for periods in Oregon Territory and Washington Territory.

2. What was on the back of the official Idaho state quarter released by the US Mint in 2007?

An image of the Peregrine Falcon imposing its presence above an outline of the state of Idaho.

3. the great wildfire within Idaho in 1910 fire started what agency?

On August 1910 in what is known as the "Big Blowup." The U.S. Forest Service's was establishment a few years before but the great wildfire secured the new agency and 1910 is often called the true start.

4. During Idaho's 1910 big blowup fire what tool was developed?

Edward Pulaski earned legend status during the blowup of 1910 when he led his men to safety and held them there in an abandoned mine shaft while the fire passed. Today, many will recognize his name in association with the axe-like Pulaski tool he invented.

July 3rd: USA trivia Answers

1. When did the Nathan's Famous 4th of July hot dog contest begin.  

July 4th 1916 was the inaugural contest took place, the first official and recorded July Fourth contest took place in 1972 at Coney Island.

2. When was the last time the Liberty Bell was rung?  

Every year on July 4 children who were the descendants of the declaration of independence signers tapped the bell 13 times. It was a sentimental tradition to help honor the original 13 colonies. The last time the bells rang was in 1846 when major crack appeared on the bell.

3. What was the date of the Boston tea party. 

December 16, 1773 colonists dumped a shipment of tea into the harbor.

4. Who was the shortest serving United States president. 

William Henry Harris he got sick and died 31 days into his term after being elected in 1841

5.What was the United States first commercial radio station. 

KDKA Pittsburg

Thanks for being a part of the Idaho Winlink Wednesday Net

Invite other Ham's. All Ham's from around the world are welcomed to join in. 


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