Thursday, August 1, 2024

 For the Month of August 2024


I want to send out a Congratulations to Ken Burton KB7WHO and John Ailport K7BSV  for reaching the Idaho Winlink Wednesday Net Century Club by checking in 100 times. We now have 11 who have reached this level. We have others who will soon be able to join this club. Keep checking in and you too can reach 100.

Thanks to everyone who joined in with the July Idaho Winlink net. We had a lot of fun questions and answers.

For August I will be requesting a different form each week. As you should know I send out with the net reply what the next week assignment is. Also you can check here at the Idaho Winlink website to learn what the next week assignment will be. 

Done Week 1- August 7  Check in with the Winlink Check-in form .. it is found in the Standard Templates under the General Forms

Done Week 2 - August 14 - Check in with the ICS 213 form .. it is found in the Standard Templates under the ICS USA Forms folder

Done Week 3- August 21Your Choice - Check in with a form that you have not used before and is found in the Standard Templates. 

Done Week 4 - August 28 -  I bet most will guess this last assignment for August - Use the Winlink Check-out form .. it is found in the Standard Templates under the General Forms

Thanks for being a part of the Idaho Winlink Wednesday Net

All Ham's from around the world are welcomed to join in. 


Net control